Products & Equipment  /  SpecPoxy 2000 LPL
SpecChem, LLC

SpecPoxy 2000 LPL

SpecPoxy 2000 LPL 1 gal

SpecPoxy 2000 LPL SpecPoxy 2000 LPL, 1 gal, ASTM 881 compliant hi-mod, LPL, medium viscosity epoxy


ASTM C-881, Type I, II, IV & V grade 2, classes B&C

Features and Benefits

SPECPOXY 2000 LPL is a two-component, long pot life, multi-purpose, high modulus, moisture tolerant epoxy bonding adhesive that meets the requirements of ASTM C-881, Type I, II, IV & V grade 2, classes B&C. This solvent free, medium viscosity bonder: Bonds fresh concrete to hardened concrete. Bonds steel to fresh concrete. Long-open time for bonded overlays. Gravity filling cracks in concrete. VOC Content = 0 grams/liter


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