Products & Equipment  /  SpecPoxy Mortar
SpecChem, LLC

SpecPoxy Mortar

SpecPoxy Mortart 1.0 cu ft unit

SpecPoxy Mortar, 1.0 cu ft unit

Features and Benefits

SPECPOXY MORTAR is a three component, 100% solids, multi-purpose, epoxy mortar. The system combines a high quality epoxy binder with an engineered blend of graded aggregates. Specifically engineered to provide superior trowel-ability, compressive/ tensile strength, impact and chemical resistance for use in industrial and commercial applications such a warehouse floors, ramps, loading docks and rebuilding joint nosings. SPECPOXY MORTAR offers the following benefits: Superior bond, compressive, and flexural strength when compared to cementitious systems. Long Pot Life for applications between 60-90 deg. F Use for high traffic areas ie: loading docks, ramps. Pre-measured proportions for easy installation Dries to a light gray mortar color Trowel-able consistency for horizontal applications Superior abrasion, chemical & impact resistance Moisture insensitive/Stain resistant Solvent-free (VOC Compliant) Foot traffic in 12 hours; Vehicle in 24 hours USDA accepted for Indirect Food Contact


1.0 cu ft


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